Immune Support

ThermaLife offers diagnosed cancer patients and individuals with autoimmune diseases a unique approach to Natural Health Care

Healthy food in heart with stethoscope and green apple on vintage boards

We work with your team of doctors to offer immune support, natural therapies, and counseling services.

We have experience with various therapies offered around the world. Our desire is to help patients to become informed of all the options open to them.  Just because a protocol worked for one person, doesn’t mean it will work for all. Dr. Rebecca Paden works with each patient individually to develop a plan for their care.

Dr. Paden is a certified nutritional counselor and trained in Gerson Therapies, Budwig Protocols, Laetrile (B17), Essiac, Peroxide therapy, Barley protocol, and many others which are based on immune support and dietary changes. She will work on building your immune system in an FDA approved safe manner.

Cancer Centers of America and American Cancer Society both recognize the need for a holistic approach to cancer care and immune support.

Why would someone choose natural approaches or alternative medicine?

  • To relieve side effects of main stream medicines without taking more medicine
  • They are seeking an approach with fewer side effects
  • They want to take an active role in their own health and wellness
  • A personal preference for early prevention and detection
  • The body is an amazing machine capable of self healing in the proper environment and when kept balanced

How can there be a cooperation between natural and mainstream medicine?

  • We know the health care provider has their patient’s best interest in mind
  • There are more factors at play than just those that can be treated with modern medicine
  • Open communication is key between the health care provider, patient, and natural wellness provider

What other services do you offer?

  • Additional Therapies that offer immune support
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Multi-Spectrum CBD (Cannabinoid) for medicinal uses
  • Emotional and Spiritual Counseling
  • Thermography is a non invasive, non radiation way to further evaluate and consistently measure progress

“The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it.”
